
Notary Services

Notary Services

The Albany Public Library is pleased to offer free notary services to the community in English and Spanish. Notary services are available by appointment at the Main Library during regular business hours, Tuesday through Friday, and are subject to staff availability. You can request an appointment through our Contact Form (include your first name and type of notarization needed) or call us at 541-917-7580. Appointments are required and must be made at least 24 hours in advance and are not available in the thirty (30) minutes prior to the time of closing.  If you are 15 minutes late to an appointment without notifying the Library, that constitutes a forfeiture of the appointment slot, and you will need to reschedule.

Notary Appointment Request Form

APL Formulario Para Contacto

Servicios notariales

La Biblioteca Pública de Albany se complace en ofrecer servicios notariales gratuitos a la comunidad. Los servicios de notario están disponibles en la biblioteca Main con cita previa durante las horas normales de servicio, martes – viernes, sujeta a disponibilidad del personal. Puedes solicitar una cita aquí o llamarnos al 541-917-7580. Es requerido hacer una cita y deben realizarse con al menos 24 horas de anticipo y no están disponibles en los treinta (30) minutos previo al hora de cerrar. Si llegas 15 minutos tarde a una cita sin notificar a la biblioteca, eso constituye la pérdida del horario de la cita y deberás re-agendar.

Library notaries are unable to perform the following:

  • Notarize Wills, Living Wills, Living Trusts, Codicils, Powers of Attorney, or Prenuptial Agreements.
  • Make or note protests
  • Notarize I-9 forms
  •  Make or certify copies of these vital records:
    • Birth certificates
    • Death certificates
    • Marriage certificates
    • Divorce documents
    • Passports or government ID’s
  • Prepare legal documents
  • Act in the capacity of a credible witness

A notarial officer has the sole discretion to refuse to perform a notarial act unless refusal is based on a person’s membership in a protected class or for any reason prohibited by law.  Library staff are not authorized to act as notarios públicos, a term used in Latin American countries to refer to someone who received the equivalent of a law license and is authorized to represent others before the government. Library staff are not licensed to practice law, draft legal records, or advise on legal matters, including immigration.


Los notarios de biblioteca no pueden realizar lo siguiente:

  • Testamentos, documentos vitales, fideicomisos en vida, codicilos, ni poderes, ni acuerdos prematrimoniales.

  • Hacer o anotar una protesta comercial

  • Notarizar los formularios I-9
  • Hacer o certificar copias de estos registros vitales:

    • Certificados de nacimiento
    • Certificados de defunción
    • Certificados de matrimonio
    • Certificados de divorcio
    • Pasaportes o identificaciones de gobierno
  • Preparar documentos legales
  • Actuar en calidad de testigo creíble

Un notarial tiene la exclusiva discreción de negarse a realizar un acto notarial a menos que la negativa se base en la membresía de una persona en una clase protegida o por cualquier motivo prohibido por la ley. El personal de la biblioteca no está autorizado a actuar como notarios públicos, término utilizado en los países hispanohablantes para designar profesionales jurídicos altamente capacitados, similares a abogados que brindan asesoramiento legal y redactan documentos legales. El personal de la biblioteca no tiene licencia para ejercer la abogacía, redactar registros legales ni dar asesoramiento sobre asuntos legales, incluida la inmigración.

Available Services
Library notaries are able to perform the following notarial acts:

  • Taking an acknowledgement
  • Verification of an oath or acknowledgement
  • Witness or attesting a signature
  • Certifying a copy of a document

Servicios disponibles

La biblioteca ofrece los siguientes actos notariales:

  • Recibir un reconocimiento
  • Verificación bajo juramento o reconocimiento

  • Testificar o dar fe de una firma

  • Certificación de una copia de un documento

How to Prepare
Know and understand what type of notarial act you need to be performed. Please bring the following items with you to your appointment:

  • Valid government-issued photo identification, such as a driver’s license, passport, US military
    identification card, or tribal ID card, OR a credible witness who personally knows the client, can
    provide valid photo ID and is able to swear to or affirm your identity. Credible witnesses cannot
    be solicited from among staff or patrons in the library.
  • The document(s) to be notarized. Please do not sign any of the documents prior to the

Library staff are not permitted to counsel clients on notarial acts or help patrons locate forms to be notarized.

Cómo prepararte para tu cita

Conoce y comprende qué tipo de acto notarial necesitas realizar. Por favor, trae los siguientes artículos a tu cita:

  • Identificación válida con fotografía emitida por el gobierno, como una licencia de conducir vigente, pasaporte, tarjeta de identificación militar de EE. UU. o tarjeta de identificación tribal O un testigo creíble que conozca personalmente al cliente, que pueda proporcionar una identificación con fotografía válida y pueda jurar o afirmar su identidad. No se pueden solicitar testigos creíbles entre el personal o los usuarios de la biblioteca.

  • Todos los documentos para notarizar. Favor de no firmar ningún documento antes de la cita.

Al personal de la biblioteca no se le permite asesorar a los clientes sobre actas notariales ni ayudar a los usuarios a localizar formularios para ser notariados.


Printing to-go

Need to print something?  We are now offering remote printing that can be picked up during our open hours*.

Follow this link for instructions on how to upload your documents:

Click here for Printing To-Go

**The printing queue is cleared every night so you must upload documents and pick them up on the same day.**

Homebound Delivery FAQ


Who is eligible for this delivery service? | ¿Quién califica para este servicio?

· Albany residents living within Albany city limits who have an Albany Public Library account (in good standing).  |  Personas que viven dentro de los límites de la ciudad con una cuenta en buena condición con la Biblioteca Pública de Albany.

· Albany city residents confined to their homes due to illness, injury, disability or limited physical mobility.  | Los habitantes de Albany confinados a casa debido a una enfermedad, discapacidad o necesidades especiales

· This delivery service is available for a temporary situation or as a long-term arrangement.  | Este servicio de entrega está disponible para un arreglo temporal o a largo plazo.

How do I sign up for this service?  | ¿Cómo me inscribo en este servicio?

· Complete the Homebound Delivery Service Request form online or by telephone (541-917-7580)  |  Complete el formulario del servicio de entrega por teléfono (541-917-7580) o en línea 

· After your application is reviewed, a staff member will contact you to discuss eligibility and your delivery needs.  |  Cuando recibamos su solicitud, un miembro del personal bilingüe se comunicará con usted para discutir su elegibilidad y necesidades de entrega.

What materials can be borrowed?  |  ¿Qué materiales puedo pedir prestados?

All library materials that can normally be checked out and have been placed on hold for you, including books, magazines, audiobooks on CD, DVDs, and music CDs.  |  Todos los materiales de la biblioteca que usted normalmente puede pedir prestado, incluyendo los libros, revistas, audiolibros, películas, y música.

How long can I keep materials that are delivered?  |  ¿Cuánto tiempo puedo tener con los materiales que se entregan?

· Albany Public Library books will be due in 21 days, magazines, DVDs and console games are due in 7 days. Library books may be picked up during the next delivery. | Nuestros libros vencen en 21 días. Las revistas, los DVD y los videojuegos vencen en 7 días. Los materiales de la biblioteca se pueden recoger durante la próxima entrega de libros. 

· Library materials borrowed from other Linn County Libraries may check out for one to three weeks and have a different due date.  |  Materiales de otras bibliotecas del condado de Linn se pueden retirar durante 1-3 semanas y tienen una fecha de vencimiento diferente.

· You may renew your items following regular guidelines, if there is not a current hold by another person. Renewals are not available for Albany Public Library DVDs and items that normally check out for one week.  |  Puede renovar sus materiales siguiendo pautas regulares, si no hay una reserva actual por parte de otro usuario. No hay renovaciones disponibles para las películas y otros artículos de la Biblioteca Pública de Albany que normalmente se retiran durante una semana.

How do I request materials to be delivered?  |  ¿Cómo pido los títulos para entregar?

Place hold requests on the items you want through our website or call 541-917-7580 to have library staff help you.  | Realice solicitudes de reserve en los artículos que desee a través de nuestro sitio web  al 541-917-7580 para asistencia del personal.

How frequently will library materials be delivered to my home?  | ¿Con qué frecuencia se entregarán los materiales a mi hogar?

Deliveries will be made twice a month.  | Haremos las entregas dos veces por mes.

Who will deliver the library materials?  |  ¿Quién entregará los materiales de a biblioteca?

Library staff will deliver and retrieve the materials at your home.  |  Personal de la biblioteca entregarán y recogerán los materiales.

How will I be notified when a delivery is on the way?  |  ¿Cómo me notificarán cuando una entrega está en camino?

Library staff will call or email you within 24 hours of your delivery date.  |  Un miembro del personal  lo llamará o le enviará un correo electrónico dentro de las 24 horas posteriores a la fecha de entrega.

Do I have to be home when deliveries are made?  |  ¿Tengo que estar en casa para la hora de entrega?

We recommend that you or someone in your family is home to accept delivery. If that is not possible, call library staff to arrange for materials to be left in a secure place.  |  Recomendamos que usted o alguien de su familia esté en casa para aceptar la entrega. Si no es posible, llame a la biblioteca para arreglar que los materiales se dejen en un lugar seguro.

How do I receive materials?  |  ¿Cómo recibo los materiales?

· Materials arrive in sealed, plastic bags and deliveries will be made in a contact-free manner.  |  Los materiales llegan en bolsas de plástico, selladas, sin ningún contacto.

· To keep you and library staff safe, we require that the delivery location can accommodate physical distancing.  |  Para mantenerlo a usted y al personal de la biblioteca seguros, requerimos que el lugar de entrega pueda practicar la distancia física.

How do I return materials?  |  ¿Cómo devuelvo los materiales?

Place library materials back in the delivery bag and close the bag. Leave the bag in the pre-arranged delivery place.  |  Recoja los materiales en la bolsa de plástico de entrega y ciérrela. Deje la bolsa en el lugar de entrega preestablecido.

Are there any fees?  |  ¿Hay algún costo?

· This Homebound Delivery Service is free of charge.  |  Este servicio de entrega a domicilio es gratuito.

· Patrons are responsible for materials delivered through the Homebound Delivery Service. If an item gets lost or damaged while in your care, you would be charged for the replacement cost and processing fee for the item.  |  Los usuarios del servicio son responsables de los materiales entregados.  Si un artículo se pierde o se daña mientras está prestado, se le cobrará el costo de reemplazo y la multa de procesamiento del artículo.

· Patrons will become ineligible for the service if their account falls out of good standing due to fines or replacement fees for lost or damaged materials.  |  Los usuarios dejan de ser elegibles para el servicio si su cuenta deja de estar vigente debido a multas o tarifas de reemplazo por materiales perdidos o dañados.

Homebound Delivery Service

Homebound Delivery Service | Nuevo  servicio de entrega a personas confinadas en casa

When getting to the library is too difficult, let the library come to you! The Albany Public Library provides free home delivery to Albany residents who are unable to visit the library due to illness, injury, disability or limited mobility.  |  ¡Cuando es demasiado difícil venir aquí, permítanos venir a ti! La biblioteca ofrece entrega gratuita a casa a las personas en Albany que no pueden ir de visita a la biblioteca debido a una enfermedad, discapacidad o necesidades especiales.

Homebound Delivery Application

Frequently Asked Questions about Homebound Delivery 


Linn Library Consortium

Click here to learn more about the Linn Library Consortium

Test Proctoring

The Albany Public Library offers test proctoring services to patrons with a current Albany Public Library card.  If a student does not live within the Albany city limits the student will need to purchase a $80 nonresident card before the Library can administer proctoring services.  (Oregon Library Passport cards cannot be used for test proctoring.)  Appointments are REQUIRED and must be made 72 hours in advance.

For more information or to make an appointment please call the Adult Services Desk at 541-917-7582 or email:


Suggest an item for purchase

The Library welcomes suggestions for the collection.  Patrons with a valid Albany Public Library card may submit purchase requests online.  While we would like to be able to accommodate all requests for purchase, we are limited by budget constraints, item availability, and the Library’s policy for collection development.

All new items may be requested within 2 months of publication date.  *Limit 2 requests per month.*

If the library purchases your request, you will be placed on the Holds list for the item.

Please note that our collection budget – from which we buy the books, DVDs, magazines, newspapers, and more – is funded entirely by library supporters such as Friends of the Library, the Albany Library Foundation and The Scharpf Foundation.   We are very grateful to them for the support which makes it possible to keep our circulation collections as current as possible.  We now rely on fundraising to purchase all items for our collection and receive NO money from the City budget for our collections.

To comment on city budget, contact your city councilors. For more information on the city budget process, visit the City of Albany Budget Committee website.

If you are interested in helping support the library during these difficult budget years, please visit our website’s Support Your Library page to find out how. We appreciate your support!

Fill out my online form.

Meeting Rooms


The Albany Public Library is pleased to make available the community meeting room facilities at the Main Library for all noncommercial use.

  • Full meeting has a maximum capacity for 312.
  • Meetings must begin during regular Library hours and be scheduled in advance.
  • No fees are charged for the use of the Meeting Room.
  • The meeting room at the Main Library has 42 tables and 157 chairs that a group may organize as they choose. Organizations using the room are responsible to re-stack tables and chairs after each meeting.
  • Projection and sound systems are available within the room.
  • There is a small kitchenette for preparing and serving refreshments. Groups are responsible for clean-up and any extra costs associated with unanticipated maintenance necessitated as a result of their meeting.

Reservations are necessary and may be made by submitting an application at least one week in advance of the requested date.

  1. Review the Facility Use Policy before submitting an application to determine if the Meeting Room is an appropriate space for your activity.
  2. Fill out a Facility Use Application and submit it in person or via U.S. Mail to Albany Public Library, 2450 14th Avenue SE, Albany, OR 97322, or email to

For more information, call 541-917-7590 or use our Contact Form.



Sometimes it is difficult to find a space to conduct a meeting. The following locations are known to accommodate groups in search of a space. Each hosting location will have its own policies regarding hours, costs, and services. Please make local inquiry.

Group Facilities/Rentals – Albany Visitors Association

Public Use Computers

The Albany Public Library provides computers for Public Use, as well as Wi-Fi connectivity.

  • Wireless Access is available within the Albany Public Library. There is no charge and there is no password. The network will appear as COA. Wireless users are expected to comply with the Rules of Conduct and Acceptable Use.
  • Public Use computers have a limit of  one hour/day – Main Library or Downtown Library
  • The cost of black and white copies is $.15. Color copies are $.50.
  • It is against Library Policy to display obscene materials; ORS 167.060 ~ 167.100
  • Failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy will result in immediate loss of computer use privileges for 30 days or longer.
  • Library Rules of Conduct and Acceptable Use


  • Renewals may be requested in-person, over the telephone, or through the “My Account” feature in the Catalog.
  • Items are automatically renewed two times during their normal checkout period.
  • Automatic renewals are for Albany Public Library items only.
  • The renewal period begins on the day the item is renewed.
  • No item with an outstanding hold may be renewed.
  • No item overdue more than seven days can be renewed except when searching for a lost item.
  • Nonrenewable items must be reshelved before they can be checked out again.

Renewing items online

  • Login to your library account using your library card number and birth date as shown, and click “LOG IN.” (need help?)
  • Click on the “Items Checked Out” tab.
  • Click on the box to the left of each title you wish to renew.
  • At the top of the list of your checkouts, click the “Go” button next to the “Renew Selected Titles” drop down menu. A pop-up message will appear asking if you’re sure you want to renew; select “OK” or cancel.
  • A message will appear at the top of the list of check-outs stating how many items were successfully renewed, and/or how many items failed to renew (in red).

Main Library

Main Library Hours
Tuesday 10-7
Wednesday 10-7
Thursday 10-6
Friday 10-6
Saturday 10-5
Closed Sunday and Monday

2450 14th Avenue SE

Email Contact Form
Contact APL

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library Hours
Wednesday and Thursday 1-6
Friday and Saturday 10-1
Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

302 Ferry Street SW




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