Collection Development Policy

Collection Development Policy for the Albany Public Library (APL)

Vision Statement

A connected and diverse Albany that celebrates curiosity, knowledge, and possibility.

Mission Statement

The Albany Public Library is an essential resource promoting community,

life-long learning, and quality services in a safe, welcoming space.

Materials Selection: We collect materials that support our function as a major information source for the varied needs of our population. We also serve an additional key role as a provider of recreational, entertainment, and general information materials for our community. We consider interest, usage, reviews, and our own existing collection when making purchasing decisions. APL seeks to provide depth and diversity of viewpoints in our library-wide collection.

The APL collection is an evolving one – materials will be removed that do not meet the selection standards of the library, whether due to poor condition of the item, outdated information within it or low circulation. We welcome purchase requests and will endeavor to fill them if they meet our collection guidelines and our budget allows.

Gifts and Donation Policy: APL welcomes donations and gift items. If a financial gift is offered, the library will consider gaps in the collection that may be filled with that funding. When it is appropriate for the collection, we will add donated materials. In cases where it would be a duplicate or the item is not a match for our collection, the item will then be donated to our Friends of the Library Bookstore. Their generous support comes right back to the library.

Intellectual Freedom: APL strives to provide materials that will reflect and promote a global understanding of the world, albeit on a local scale. APL respects the right of every individual to access a wide range of information, even if another patron may find it controversial, problematic, or unacceptable. It is the goal of the library that our collection will be diverse and inclusive, representing a range of perspectives and viewpoints.

Reconsideration of Materials: APL respects the right of individuals and families to select materials that are appropriate and in line with their own reading goals and values. –The library respects that relationship by not restricting our own purchases, or segregating items outside of the main collection, or by making specific suggestions as to what an individual patron should or should not access. Patron requests to remove materials are thoughtfully considered by the purchasing librarian who has an overview of the collection as a whole, who can reflect on whether an item is in adherence with our vision statement, and who can access additional information about how the book was reviewed by professional journals. After a conversation, patrons who continue to seek removal may fill out a provided form for further consideration by the Library Director, and ultimately the Library Board. Appeals to the Board would be scheduled at the next available board meeting. Items under will remain in the collection while under reconsideration.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement: The Albany Public Library serves a vast range of individuals with unique experiences and characteristics. We affirm that we serve everyone in our community. We encourage an inclusive environment that promotes freedom of speech in conjunction with policies that protect patrons, volunteers and library staff of all gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, race, sexual orientation, disability, income level, age and all other personal, social, cultural and economic perspectives.

Main Library

Main Library Hours
Tuesday 10-7
Wednesday 10-7
Thursday 10-6
Friday 10-6
Saturday 10-5
Closed Sunday and Monday

2450 14th Avenue SE

Email Contact Form
Contact APL

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library Hours
Wednesday and Thursday 1-6
Friday and Saturday 10-1
Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

302 Ferry Street SW




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