Library Cards and Loans
- Renewals may be requested in-person, over the telephone, or through the “My Account” feature in the Catalog.
- Items are automatically renewed two times during their normal checkout period.
- Automatic renewals are for Albany Public Library items only.
- The renewal period begins on the day the item is renewed.
- No item with an outstanding hold may be renewed.
- No item overdue more than seven days can be renewed except when searching for a lost item.
- Nonrenewable items must be reshelved before they can be checked out again.
Renewing items online
- Login to your library account using your library card number and birth date as shown, and click “LOG IN.” (need help?)
- Click on the “Items Checked Out” tab.
- Click on the box to the left of each title you wish to renew.
- At the top of the list of your checkouts, click the “Go” button next to the “Renew Selected Titles” drop down menu. A pop-up message will appear asking if you’re sure you want to renew; select “OK” or cancel.
- A message will appear at the top of the list of check-outs stating how many items were successfully renewed, and/or how many items failed to renew (in red).
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