Teen Volunteering!

This summer looks a little different, but there are still opportunities for teens in grades 7 & up who are interested in volunteer credit. If you have volunteered before, check your email for Teen Volunteering correspondence – if you don’t see anything, email our Teen Librarian at christine.troetschel@cityofalbany.net to check that you are on the mailing list.

If you haven’t volunteered before, fill out the Teen Volunteer Application here . You’ll be added to the mailing list and should receive a Welcome Email within a few days that breaks down what volunteering can be done right now, and you’ll get all future emails with new opportunities.

Currently teens can create art to donate to StudentsRebuild, and read & review books for volunteer credit. Volunteer kits will be available later in the summer, as well as some limited in-person opportunities should we be able to accommodate volunteers safely.

Main Library

Main Library Hours
Tuesday 10-7
Wednesday 10-7
Thursday 10-6
Friday 10-6
Saturday 10-5
Closed Sunday and Monday

2450 14th Avenue SE

Email Contact Form
Contact APL

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library Hours
Wednesday and Thursday 1-6
Friday and Saturday 10-1
Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

302 Ferry Street SW




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