Logging in to online account

  • Your library card number must be entered in all caps (ex. PALBO000123456); if your computer remembers your card number, you may have to re-enter it.
  • Your default PIN number is your 4-digit birth year in YYYY format (for example 1975).  If you changed your PIN to include letters, it may be in upper and/or lower case letters.
  • If you have forgotten your PIN please call 541-917-7580, send us an email., or stop by the library to have your PIN reset.

If you are still experiencing difficulty logging in, please try the following:

  • Refresh your browser.
  • Clear all history including cookies and cache.
  • If you use a bookmark to navigate to the library website, make sure it is pointing to https://library.albanyoregon.gov.
  • If you use a bookmark to navigate directly to the library catalog, confirm it is pointing to http://libweb.cityofalbany.net.

Main Library

Main Library Hours
Tuesday 10-7
Wednesday 10-7
Thursday 10-6
Friday 10-6
Saturday 10-5
Closed Sunday and Monday

2450 14th Avenue SE

Email Contact Form
Contact APL

Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library Hours
Wednesday and Thursday 1-6
Friday and Saturday 10-1
Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

302 Ferry Street SW




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