Conditions of Library Computer Use

  1. Users may not install or download ANY program or software updates onto the library computers. Files may be downloaded onto floppy disks (available for sale at the Reference and Children’s Desks) and users may suggest useful software for library installations. Ask a librarian if you need assistance.
  2. Users may not alter or damage existing hardware or software, including but not limited to changing configurations, settings, and preferences. Creating auto-logins to your personal accounts is not allowed. This creates problems for other users and is a risk to your own privacy.
  3. Users may make only authorized copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data. Costs for printing are posted on the printers.
  4. It is not acceptable to use Internet access for any purposes that violate U.S. or state laws. As per ORS 167.060 to 167.095, it is a crime to display obscene material to minors. Violators will be prosecuted. Nor is it acceptable to transmit or receive material that is threatening, obscene, harassing, or child pornography, or to interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or equipment. Disruptions include but are not limited to: distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of computer worms and viruses, and using the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the network.
  5. Children under ten years of age must be accompanied by an adult when using any of the public computers, including the Internet. Older children may use the Internet independently; however, monitoring what a child views on the Internet remains the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
  6. Due to space limitations and considerations of noise and convenience, we strictly limit the number of persons who may share one Internet station to two individuals.
  7. Procedures governing the terms of use at either library depend upon demand placed on Internet resources. In an effort to fairly distribute access to all, users may encounter limitations on turns and/or time restrictions.
  8. The “Library Rules of Conduct” policy also applies to the use of the Internet and failure to comply with the policies defined in these documents may result in the revocation of all Internet use privileges at both branches of the Library. (See Procedures Manual, Violations of Internet Acceptable Use Policy.)

Main Library

Main Library Hours
Tuesday 10-7
Wednesday 10-7
Thursday 10-6
Friday 10-6
Saturday 10-5
Closed Sunday and Monday

2450 14th Avenue SE

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Carnegie Library

Carnegie Library Hours
Wednesday and Thursday 1-6
Friday and Saturday 10-1
Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

302 Ferry Street SW




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